Staff Focus: Tyler Bailey

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Staff Focus: Tyler BaileyThis month we focus on Tyler Bailey, an assembly specialist at JPW. Tyler took an entry level job over four years ago, and being a quick learner, worked his way up to being a reliable employee, well versed in all aspects of assembly and a leader in that area.

Tyler is described by his co-workers as an exceptional worker and the kind of worker who makes the day go by faster. He’s skilled at his position and works as the assembly lead on any of the stock JPW units. His knowledge of the standard line of ovens allows for a quick and efficient turn around while maintaining the high standard of quality that JPW upholds.

JPW’s great working atmosphere and reliability of service is credited in part to Tyler. He is one of JPW’s many reliable and knowledgeable employees, who take pride in their work and are passionate about providing the best industrial ovens to their clients.